“Abi Mott sat calmly and typed, as if a guy wasn’t sitting atop a throne 6 feet away and heckling passers-by on the Colisee floor.
‘Look at her,’ filmmaker Barrett Rudich said. In an aisle of the Androscoggin Business to Business Trade Show, Mott composed poetry.
The 23-year-old woman from Lancaster, Pa. sat in a folding chair behind a TV tray. On it sat a stack of blank white paper and a manual Remington typewriter.
Neither the steady stream of trade show participants strolling past nor the silliness behind her — as comedian-filmmaker Michael Miclon sold tickets to this weekend’s Emerge Film Festival — seemed to disturb her.
‘She gets in a zone,’ said Rudich, who first met Mott on a sidewalk in Portland, Ore. ‘I don’t know how she does it.’ …
(Full article and photos here)

Photo courtesy of Sun Journal